How Long Do Meditation Effects Last? (Surprising)

How Long Do Meditation Effects Last? (Surprising)

You might’ve heard about meditation and all the benefits that come along with it. But is it worth practicing if the effects would only last for the short term, or for the time you do the meditation?...

Is Meditation Just A Placebo?

Is Meditation Just A Placebo?

Meditation has many benefits for those who choose to pursue a consistent practice. But could that ...

Do Animals Meditate? (The Surprising Answer)

Do Animals Meditate? (The Surprising Answer)

We can learn a lot from animals. I discussed some of the benefits of [meditating with pets](https:...

Why Does Your Forehead Tingle When You Meditate?

Why Does Your Forehead Tingle When You Meditate?

Having different sensations when meditating is common. At times, this can be a tingling sensation ...

Can Meditation Be Addictive? (Truth Revealed)

Can Meditation Be Addictive? (Truth Revealed)

Getting started with meditation and sustaining the practice over time is the hardest part for most...