What Do Meditation Colors Mean?

What Do Meditation Colors Mean?

It’s not uncommon for the mind to wander and take us to places during meditation. Seeing things from a more spiritual perspective, there’s something often known as “chakras” in meditation, consisting of different colors. From a spiritual perspective, the body has energy centers. Each of these centers is associated with different colors

Depending on which color you see, it’s because certain chakra is present. It’s more common to see colors the longer time you spend meditating, and there’s a certain point where that may be all you see when you sit down and start meditating. 

Seeing colors can provide a reflection to ourselves and what we’re currently going through. 

While not everyone sees these colors when meditating, these colors can have different meanings. 

Some of the most common colors you’ll see in meditation are: white, green, purple, red, orange, etc. There are more colors but in this article we’ll dive deeper into these colors. 


If you’re seeing white, or more specifically, a white light, it often indicates wholeness. Something that’s telling you that you’re on your path to developing your creativity. Some feel a sense of relaxation, as well as hope when seeing this color. 

However, it can also be seen as a crown of the energy centers of the body, meaning when this is blocked, you could be more prone to feelings of discomfort, uncertainty and worry. 

This is because the color white is one of those colors that inspires hope and tells you you’re walking the right path. 

Of course, you shouldn’t solely rely on colors as an indicator to know how the meditation is going and where it’s taking you, but seeing a white light is generally a positive sign as, apart from what was already mentioned, can also mean the start of something new. 


Just like white, green is another positive color that indicates there’s a balance between our heads and our hearts. Individuals that see the color green report feeling a sense of peace and calm, as well as an increased ability to forgive. 

Some are attached to unpleasant memories they won’t let go of, and this where green can come in helpful. 

More specifically, the color green is associated with the heart. Seeing the color green can be an indication that inner healing is going on, it’s a color that can symbolize a new birth of a previously old energy. 

On contrast, seeing green, because it’s associated with the heart chakra, can also mean that a chakra needs to be opened up given that the heart chakra could be blocked. 

The heart chakra, represented by the color green, can become blocked as a result of an unpleasant memory or struggles. But in general, seeing the color is a positive indication of peace and tranquility, as well as emotional stability. 


Perhaps considered one of the most important colors of meditation, since it could be a sign that the third eye is opening up. The third eye opens up our perception to a point that exceeds the material plane, where we’re able to perceive things more in a spiritual manner. 

Such as our ability to read people’s emotions. In general, it extends the perception of reality. It allows you to see beyond what someone is saying and look at the bigger picture behind an emotion, rather than the surface that can be put out by someone.

This of course, could allow you to spot truths more easily. But opening the third eye isn’t for everyone, as it’s compared to a sort of sixth sense. Opening your third eye could lead you to question your reality to a point where you find what you learned of the new reality unbearable. 

While it’s true that it can widen the perception beyond what we know, not everyone is prepared or should dive into such deep levels of spirituality. 

I say this since there are specific meditations made with the objective to open the third eye, that’s not the meditation I tend to talk about and most certainly, not adequate for absolute beginners. 

However, while seeing the color purple can mean that the third eye is opening, it can also mean a sense of peace and deeper imagination and creativity. As well as a sign that progress in some areas of your light is happening, given how it can give some insights into the future. 


The color red is often associated with the root of our chakras. It’s the color at the bottom of the chakra food chain, but one that keeps us energized, as well as incentivized to pursue things. Red is a color of passion, so making any moves whatsoever, as long as it’s aligned with passion becomes much easier. 

So the color red can be seen as sort of an impulse, or boost of motivation to pursue the purpose we’ve set for ourselves. In contrast, seeing this energy can also be a sign that we are missing something in our lives. 

However, being exposed to the color for long can bring less desirable emotions in ourselves, such as being upset or feelings that are more associated with violence. Overall, depending on the circumstance, the color red or lack thereof, can have different meanings. 


The orange chakra, or also known as the sacral chakra or navel chakra, is what’s often associated with creativity. It’s also closely tied with the reproductive organs. 

The color can be associated with optimism and having a sense of adventure. It also has been linked with warmth and compassion, and one of the major pulses of meditation is how it helps us to feel more compassionate, as it promotes empathy. 

But as mentioned before, because the color orange is so close to our reproductive organs, the color has the potential to help individuals enjoy intimacy to a higher degree, stimulating the pleasure as a whole. 

Is It Good To See Colors When Meditating?

While not everyone sees colors when meditating, it can be an indication that either something good is happening or something needs to be worked on. 

Meditation as a whole is meant to assist individuals in improving their lives, rather than single handedly being the answer. 

But in general, from what’s been observed, seeing colors in meditation can actually be a good sign and let us know we are walking on the right path. These colors may be dismissed by some, but they can be used as helpful guides, even though the primary purpose of the type of meditation I promote is one which allows the mind to take a break. But it never hurts to know more about what we’re currently experiencing.