Can You Meditate Without Opening Your Third Eye?
- Dan Rivers
- 4 March 2023
When we are in a meditative state, we acknowledge that we’re ready to accept a new reality.
At the cost of our discomfort, our quality of life increases, and stress is no longer an obstacle that stands in the way of us to progress.
That’s the new reality for many long-term meditators that have mastered their mind to a large extent.
Even if no meditator is perfect all of the time, from time to time, the mind will still wander and it’s completely normal, the benefits of meditation will still be there. When it comes to achieving enlightenment in meditation, it’s synonymous with opening the third eye or our sixth sense.
You can gain a lot of wisdom from yourself. This has happened to me and while I haven’t activated my pineal gland, I’ve spoken with deeper parts of myself that I didn’t think I ever could have a dialogue with. But can you meditate without opening your third eye?
This is a bit more complicated than a yes or no, because while you can meditate for scientific purposes and want no spiritual awakening, you can’t choose to not have a spiritual awakening if you are meant to. But you can minimize the chance for your meditation to open your third eye.
What Is The Third Eye?
The third eye, also known as the pineal gland is, in esoteric terms, a spiritual eye that connects us with the universe and is located in our forehead.
Once this sixth sense is activated, we become more perceptive, our clarity increases and we become awakened. We find the truth and meaning to things.
Enlightenment or awakening is in Buddhist terms defined as Nirvana. While the third eye hasn’t been supported by the scientific community, lots of individual testimonies have had a lot to say about opening the pineal gland, and not everyone is ready for it.
As that would mean shattering our reality as we know it and accepting a reality that can either be pleasant or unpleasant, but at the very least, with meditation, we focus on solutions rather than problems, so in that sense, we can find the solution to the problem we are currently facing or simply become unaffected by it.
Acceptance is something we’re taught in meditation, and that acceptance is what some believe makes us less ambitious, which there is a lot of support for.
In general, there’s a correlation between knowing a lot about something and as a result, being more pessimistic about it.
This isn’t just exclusive to meditation. But when the third eye is open, it’s one of the deeper spiritual experiences in meditation.
The average Joe meditating doesn’t get here, and it’s usually reserved for those that have been meditating for hours a day for years, even if there isn’t a specific measurable time frame for when someone would activate their sixth sense, considering each journey is personal. Some may never activate their pineal gland, and they are not meant to do it.
Meditation alone is a great tool to find balance in our lives and assist us with our daily challenges.
Most don’t aspire for the meditation to turn into something that could have an extreme change in our lives that could go both ways, because believe it or not, not everyone is ready for meditation and not everyone’s lives will get better through meditation.
Meditation makes us experience things that are logically difficult to put into words because meditation can be a combination of abstract thought and ideas and critical thinking mixed.
You can have an intent with meditation but it’s not guaranteed to go the way you plan, because several variables impact the meditation, such as what meditation you do, how often and who you are as a person, and what would serve you most at the time of having the meditation.
Meditation doesn’t necessarily give us what we want, but rather, what we need, which fortunately can coincide with what we want many times. Meditation removes the filter and lies we convince ourselves with and displays our rawest selves.
Meditation-Wisdom and The Third Eye
There are several indications that the eye is opening. For some, it’d be a subtle experience and for others, it would be an extreme paradigm shift.
But just because you’ve experienced one of the common indications that the pineal gland is activating, doesn’t mean it is. For instance, we tend to get more wisdom once our third eye opens, which can manifest in different forms.
The happiness we used to look for externally can now be found within and projected on the day-to-day.
But in a more metaphysical sense, meditation opens up our mind to expand our consciousness and communicate with spirit guides, these can be experienced during the meditation, post-meditation, or pre-meditation.
In my case, this communication was done in the form of my dream to find out more about myself where I’ve gained insights I didn’t think were possible. As if there was an intelligence that articulated things that I, out of my mind never thought of.
Now, I can’t say for sure that I attribute this to meditation, but it conveniently happened while doing my daily meditation routine.
Should You Stay Away From Meditation If You Don’t Want To Open Your Third Eye?
There generally are no dangers to meditation, but there are exceptions. There is a dark side to meditation that’s rarely talked about, but for the average individual that’s absent from any psychological challenges, there seems to be little to no dangers to meditation, but that’s something you’d have to find out based on what you know about yourself.
Meditation is recommended by many physicians, but if you don’t want to open your third eye, you can still meditate. It’s unlikely you’ll experience any change you resist, especially if you’re just using meditation scientifically or just to calm down
Those who engage in deep levels of meditation for hours, however, already know and are more prone to opening their third eye.
But all in all, if you are content with where you are in life and don’t want to improve it in any way, and don’t find any purpose to meditation, then you may want to stay away from the practice, as there is always a risk, even if it’s very small, for meditation to make any existing problems you have in your life worse. This is rare but it can happen.
Once you open the third eye, you accept a new identity and new ways of thinking. If you are not willing to abandon old ways of thinking, meditation is also not for you.
Meditation can, in a way, be seen as synonymous with self-improvement and a form of it. For good reasons, it’s been glorified across the globe and popularized, as it’s one way to level up and reach a potential that was unknown to you.
The more fearless to change you are, the more likely you are to find a solid purpose with meditation.
Knowing When To Stop
Meditation is a great practice to adopt, but if you’re starting out, you don’t want to meditate too much as it can push you to abandon the practice before you see any benefits.
Meditating too much can both play in your favor and against you. The mind and body aren’t always ready for meditation, so starting cold turkey without gently getting you used to it can backfire, especially if we’re talking about long meditations.
This becomes even more important, if on the contrary, as a novice, you’re trying to open your third eye. The idea of gaining more wisdom and peace sounds good, but it can come at the price of your well-being.
So if you’re starting to feel strange about meditating for longer periods than you know you can take, you should look into limiting that time or even taking a break. Meditation isn’t a game to take lightly, the practice can change the brain structure in less than a year for some people.
Stick to a meditation time you can stick to based on what you know about yourself and you’ll be less likely to give up. Make gradual changes and you’re less likely to be presented with the adverse effects meditation can bring you.
Now, while it helps to love and enjoy meditation and it’s what keeps you going for the long term, and what will likely make you open your third eye, don’t be attached to the outcome, and see meditation as a lifetime practice, just like you do brushing your teeth. Meditation is keeping good mind, body, and spirit hygiene.
The more insight you get about yourself, the more you know what it takes for you to achieve any goal you set.
More specifically, activating this sixth sense removes the clutter of the mind which is a major plus, but those who open their third eye tend to in some instances abandon their attachment to material things.
Do You Need to Meditate to Open Your Third Eye?
While meditation is one means to open your third eye, it’s not necessary, but it’s been pointed out as one of the most if not the most efficient means to activate this sixth sense.
There are even meditation videos on YouTube that use subliminal and binaural beats tailored to open the third eye. However, yoga is another means by which someone can presumably stimulate the pineal gland.
Opening this sixth sense as a result of meditation often comes as a byproduct of a deep and concentrated meditation practice, but we can’t have any guarantees but instead, just allow everything to happen.
Your meditation experience will vary from someone else’s because it’s your journey and your challenges are different from someone else.